The ProprioSox is ideal for running.
ProprioSox™ are produced according to a unique patented design and manufacturing process which ensures all our socks maximize the benefits of proprioceptive feedback, benefits not seen in conventional compression socks or hosiery.
Wearing ProprioSox™ has been shown to improve proprioception - the body's sense of spatial awareness, balance and posture. ProprioSox™ increase sensory feedback and blood circulation which has many positive "knock-on" effects.
Proprioception is the sense of the relative position of neighbouring parts of the body and the strength of effort being employed in maintaining balance and smooth movement, as an example it is what enables us to walk in complete darkness without losing balance.
Proprioception is occasionally impaired spontaneously, especially when one is tired – such as a Runner, Golfer, Cyclist or Tennis Player reaching the end of their competition. Wearing ProprioSox™ helps reduce the
loss of balance and body co-ordination associated with loss of proprioception, enhancing performance.
Because it is the part of the body most commonly in contact with the ground the foot contains a higher density of proprioceptive nerve endings than any other part of the body. ProprioSox™ maximize the feedback from these nerves to ensure the best possible balance and movement.
ProprioSox™ stimulate the body’s ability to transmit a sense of position, analyze that information and react (consciously or unconsciously) to the stimulation with the proper movement. Put simply, they provide the
individual wearing ProprioSox to know where each body part is without having to look.
By wearing ProprioSox™ you improve your proprioception. Your balance will dramatically improve resulting in better stability. They will help you hone your agility so that you can quickly change direction when necessary; and they fine-tune your coordination skills so that you can perform physical activities more accurately and consistently. ProprioSox™ are a proprioception exercise regime that reduces the risk of injury by teaching your body to react appropriately to sudden changes in the environment. A good sense of proprioception is vital for many fitness activities.
The PROPRIOSOX NeuroPathway to Wellness and Performance
1) ProprioSox trigger a very specific neuro-response in mecanoreceptors and gogli tendons found on the bottom of feet and in and around the ankle.
2) Sensory perception by the Peripheral Nevous System (PNS) supplies information from the foot's receptors to the Brain and the central nervous system (CNS).
3) The brain and the CNS process, integrate and distribute information based on the information provided by the receptors.
4) The PNS carries commands from the CNS and the brain to the somatic nervous system (SoNS) and the automatic nervous system (ANS) thus triggering responses in various bodily functions.
5) Commands to the SoNS and ANS directly impact the following:
- Balance
- Spatial Orientation
- Proprioception
- Posture
- Mobility
- Agility
- Strength
6) Users of ProprioSox show improvements in balance, overall body strength, mobility, agility, posture and reaction time.